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kitten hiccups newborn

Newborn Kitten Hiccups - newborn kittens
Newborn Kitten Hiccups - newborn kittens
Newborn kitten › › › › › Newborn kittenTagged: , , , Hello, just joined this forum as it seems that there are so many people who know loads about breeding kittens! I'm trying to give an abandoned kitten. He's got a week today. I'm worrying about everything! Any advice you've received... It seems to have diarrhea on and off, and often when I get her out of her box to feed her she's already peed. Because of the races I diluted her milk to make it weaker, but I realized that I diluted her much more than I wanted. Would this explain why you've been so hungry today, and crying even when you've had loads to eat? And he would have hurt him? It also seems to have a lot of hips, is it normal? One more thing (for now!) How much should you have in a meal? It weighs about 160g... These youtube video clips are BRILLIANT and the one that feeds has a food graph that can be frozen in: These sites are also great, especially Messybeast, and the latter also has a food graph, tells you how much your kitten should eat in each food. Yeah, it sounds like you diluted your milk so much that your baby's still hungry. Hiccups means he's getting air with his power, maybe the hole in the tit is too big? You're teasing her after every meal? But I wouldn't worry about them too much. Thank you. I'll take a look at those sites and videos. I'm teasing her, but she doesn't often seem bureau. I've changed a tit with a smaller hole but still drinks and then it comes out of your nose that then gets your sneezes and sniffing. Is there any way to stop this, because now I'm worried that he's going to his lungs, or has a cold, etc.! Also... after a feeding, when she doesn't seem to want more, she still cries and takes a while to settle. I can often stop this by getting her to suck my fingers but she can't always do this. Any ideas? One more thing (be so little!), which has almost always wet when I take it for a feeding, without help from me. Should I be worried about this too? Thank you again! I am the same way – when I have such a small baby, I constantly worry about every little thing that could go wrong. But when it comes over the 3-week mark, it will be much stronger and you will have personality, and all the hard work and worry is very, very worth it 🙂 The best way to do it until then is to review it a lot. Look in his little box/cage every time you go through to relieve your mind. Diarrhea – It is normal for young babies to have some diarrhea, as all they drink is milk and also because it is adapting to the formula of drinking instead of mom's milk. While brown and "mushy" is normal. If it's ever bright yellow, white, bloody or liquid, then something might be wrong. Already Peed – Sometimes babies urinate on their own, especially if they are drinking a lot of milk. Just make sure you stimulate it to urinate before and after each feeding, and clean it with a bit of dust to prevent the affan. It is better if the urine enters a fabric or cotton than in its delicate skin. Dilute – The overdiluted formula will not hurt you, but that's why you're still hungry. I think once you give her some meals the right strength, she'll be much happier. Milk should be a little thicker than water, be sticky, and have a light color dye cream. Hiccups – Again, this could be caused by overdilution, or by your drink too fast. When you hold the bottle upside down, it should leak in a drop per second. Anyone else, and it could be overwhelmed, hypo, and sour. They also always feed it when she is standing / sitting up, so her head is tilted up. Do not keep feeding her with a nipple that makes her sneeze and blow bubbles – ask the veterinarian to cut the nipple when buying another. ***If you ever hear a "rechinator" sound when breathing, this could be fluid in your lungs and you will need some antibiotics. ***160g translates into 5.6 ounces. Different websites give you different tips on how much to feed – I would expect your baby to eat around a bottle-full a day, so every two hours she should be eating at least 2-3 ccs. This is a very small amount, but your stomach is the size of a cranberries, so it makes sense that it has to eat a little, shit a little, urinate a little, then it has space for a little more, etc. Its diarrhea is yellow, but sometimes it is more like toothpaste or a little of both! Today he has begun to get into the food and instead of properly choking, he is chewing the bottle on the sides of his mouth, and not drinking much. Also her belly looks so round – almost as if it were too big! Is there a way to know? I'm going to take her to the vet soon to check these things (the one I'm taking her to has been recommended as one that has some knowledge of newborn kittens) – the last thing I want is to go wrong in the weekend when the vets are closed! Thank you so much for all your advice. Toothpaste is a good consistency for your age. As for yellow, the veterinarian will be able to tell you if you can have a virus or worms – if you can get a poop sample on the date day, it would be perfect. If the fuse continues with the bottle, try again in an hour or two. If you still have a hard time hooked, try to change nipples and hold your head forward (the goal is to get the nipple right above your tongue so naturally you will suck. I think she'll come, but if she doesn't use a syringe to feed her. If your belly looks too big, like a baseball was swallowed, then it's very likely you have worms. Most kittens do it, at their age. The veterinarian will decide whether or not it is too early for a dispossession. Let us know how the appt goes 🙂 You were right: the vet thinks it's probably a belly full of worms, poor thing! She's too young to do something yet. Diarrhea is typical of kittens too, and not bad enough for antibiotics or anything. Guess they don't hurt? Or do any harm? I hope not ≤She was fussy again with the bottle, but she managed to take part of the feeding by chewing instead of sucking. She was very good to hold on to her – vet thinks it's likely another phase. To be honest, she was no more help then you have been – just the difference, she loaded the lol! Did you find any of yours just want to suck and nude? When she's still crying after a food, the only thing that seems to stop her is if she gets hold of a part of my hand, or she crawls to my neck under my hair and wife around until she sleeps. I haven't relaxed since I got it – so I'm worried about all the things that could go wrong! I totally understand the concern for every small thing. Moki came into our lives when she was 2 weeks old.... this weekend she will be 6 weeks and I'm still not completely relaxed, although she has been the image of health (less the need for some antibiotics in about 3 weeks). I told my husband that I will probably not feel more relaxed about her until she has 8 weeks and/or weaned and will probably not relax completely until she is about 12 weeks of lol Most kittens (especially found abandoned) have worms and will be fine until the baby is old enough to be a worm. Moki always had more rancid poops too and then with antibiotics was worse, only now they're starting to settle and I think after she's bloody and completely weaned they must be much better. Basically you just want to avoid uncontrollable diarrhea. If you're dating everywhere and the kitten has no control over it, it's time to visit the veterinarian safely. You can also add a bit of pumpkin linked to your formula (pure pumpkin, do not mistakenly confuse the pumpkin pie filling) and that also helps. I still put some pumpkin in the Moki bottle at least 1x a day. When she was 3 weeks old when I started adding it, I added about 2ccs of her for food. Babies definitely want to be comforted! When they're with Mom they'll often cling to one of their nipples and feed intermittently, but otherwise they'll stay trapped and just stay there with Mom and Brothers. I honestly think babies thrive better when they have that interaction so keep it and embrace it as much as you can. When you have to get her down, give her a little stuffed animal to cuddle with. I still have a mouse oversized stuff with Moki. He became his "greater matter" when he got older and his first play interactions were hitting lol as stressful as it has been with Moki, he has taught me a kind of zen kitten... that we just have to live with them. Yeah, almost all my orphans sucked my hands. Even after they are full, they will still want the comfort of "sleep" and our hands are soft and textured like the skin of your mother's wrinkled belly. I usually leave them a nurse for 5-10 minutes and then I put them in their blanket and hope they go to sleep. You could try to feed her again after she sucked your hand – sometimes that stimulates her appetite. Worms don't hurt kittens unless they're not treated for a long time. It's disgusting to think, but harmless as it is when it's old enough. Deworm mine at 3 weeks and again at 5 weeks. It is a great reading of your comments – it does not feel so isolated. She did the blowjob tonight and then crawled to my neck and purged to sleep. Like you said, I put her in her bed after a while and she's still there now. Where would I get pumpkin seeds? Would you only use them if diarrhea continues or worsens, and from what age? Thanks a lot to both of us! No pumpkin seeds – pumpkin puree. He's in any grocery store, about $3. Just take a syringe and take it around .3 cc. It's okay if you don't swallow everything. I would do it once and then wait to see the results before I do it again. Pumpkin can't hurt, and it really helps your little tummies at any age. Canned pumpkin, usually found in the baking section of grocery stores. You can use the syringe method or what I did was have some boiling water to the Moki bottle (3-5ccs) and then added the pumpkin, shaking it, added the formula. The hole often needs to be a little wider for pumpkin purée not to obstruct it, but be careful it's not too big for it not to inhale any formula. I've kept two nipples for Moki's bottle... one by the time I add pumpkin, one by the time I don't. One has a wider hole and one has a narrower one. Molly, May, what worm did you use in a young kitten? I'm currently taking care of one I'm guessing is 3 weeks. I haven't been a hemorrhage to get him to shit a lot and come from the outside I know he's very likely to have worms. I have also seen a few fleas on it and I have chosen and changed them to towels every day in the hope that they do not reproduce faster than I am changing. Curiously, you seem to take a lot of care of your baby! Thank you for all the information. Thank you all. I'm a little worried (again!) because for almost all of your thoughts today you've been chewing the tit and taking very little milk in (apart from your first 2 foods). She seems to be fine in herself but has not gained weight in the last 2 days. Any ideas? I use Strongid, under the veterinarian's recommendation with my rescue partners. (If the kitten has the lock, you have to use a different one, but that's a little weirder.) Normally one dose, then another two weeks later. Cats get some types of fleas-eating worms, so if a kitten has fleas it's more likely to have worms. The only thing I can think about making him eat is making sure the formula is in the right force so he likes the taste, and changing bottle nipples so he can find one he likes. If everything else fails, sometimes very stubborn kittens end goat milk. She's doing the same with the other teats, and I'm making up the formula the same way. She lay down very briefly and then chew only. He's waking up and looking for food but taking such a small amount, then he's got a little lick from me or his paw and go back to sleep. Veterinarians say it can't be bloody even when it's too young (9 days old now). Could it be the worms that are affecting your appetite? She was very well and now I'm so worried again! In my experience, worms make them even more hung, as worms are actually those who steal some of the nutrition. I would try the diluted goat milk with a little water (perhaps a ratio of 3:1 – 3 parts milk 1 part water). If you refuse to eat enough, you can use a syringe to force the food. Just make sure you get in from the side of the mouth instead of going straight to avoid drowning. The syringe is probably bitten – very slowly, drop by drop, push the formula. No one likes to force the food so hopefully it won't come to that. I would also call and ask your veterinarian for his suggestions. If you're not gaining weight, it could be a good call. There are also special products (such as Nutrical) that help babies who have little appetite, is basically protein shake for the kitten lol. Thanks, Molly. She had a couple of good evening meals so I'll see how it goes. Now I have another concern! I just saw some points in his stomach, some whites and a yellow one, grow up, like grains. I haven't read anything about this and I have no idea what they are or what is causing them. Please help! The yellow may be where the umbilical cord was - Is it right in the middle of your stomach? A photo would be useful if she could be enough for you to take one. / A new kit of stars published every day Talk to other fans of kittens every day! Talk to other daily kittens! Join Who is OnlineTopic TagsKitten Links Forums Recent Issues © The Daily Kitten 2005 - 2021 A New Cute Kitten Picture & Story Every day

Watch out for cats Find the local support network Find the information you needCategories Neonatal kitten care If you are looking after kittens that are newborn to 4 weeks (also neonatal kittens) these tips will help you to be the best caregiver possible. But we want you to know that sometimes, despite your best absolute efforts, some neonatal kittens are simply not going to survive. All you can do is try the hardest and be proud of yourself for taking on such important work. Ask for Neonatal Kitten Care First: contact veterinarians and shelters without killing to see if they have a nurse mother cat to "approv" kittens, or experienced volunteers available to provide advice or even help feed kittens. Heat & Bed linen for KittensKittens can easily get the chills, which can be life-threatening. From the moment you find them, keep the kittens warm and watch out for signs of chill (i.e., without a list and fresh touch). If you have nothing more at hand, use your own body heat to heat a cold kitten, and rub gently to help the circulation. Neonatal kittens cannot control their own body temperature until they are at least 3 weeks old. And it's very important to keep the bottle feeding until the kittens have heated completely. At home, build a soft nest with a heating pad that is completely covered with a blanket or towel. Make sure kittens can get away from the heat if they want. Change bed linen daily or when you have accidents. A kitten can relax if it gets wet, so never dip kittens in the water. If a kitten needs to be cleaned, wash only a few parts of your small body with a sink. Be sure to dry always completely with a hairdryer (low) and towel. How to Feed Neonatal Kittens Use kitten bottles, and try to get elongated nipples if they are available because they are easier to use. You may have to make your own holes in the nipple with a sterilized pin or blade; make sure to do this properly so that the KMR drips slowly when the bottle turns down. If you notice that the kitten is having a bad time to get the milk out of the bottle, the hole in the nipple may have to be bigger; alternatively, if the kitten is having a bad time keeping the amount of milk coming out, consider changing the nipple to one with a smaller hole. And cleaning is key, so sterilize the bottles and wash your hands before and after each feeding. Hold or place kittens in your stomachs and tilt the bottle so that less air comes. Don't feed kittens on your back. Always warm the KRM and try it on the wrist to make sure it's warm but not hot, as I would with a baby. Remember, it doesn't feed refrigerated kittens. Follow the guidelines on the formula label for how much to use, but they will usually stop eating when they are full. What Feed a kitten formula for kitten, such as the kitten substituter (KMR), which can be purchased in most pet supply stores. If you encounter a kitten and pet shops are closed, this emergency formula can be done at home. Use it in emergencies. Should you feed newborn kitten goat milk? Never feed kittens milk from cow or goat, this causes diarrhea. Feed Frequency After feeding How Burp to Kitten While kittens are eating formula, you have to burp them. Put them on your shoulder or on your stomachs and gently stick them until you feel fun. The kitty formula is sticky, so make sure to clean kittens after feeding with a warm and wet washbasin, and dry them as needed. Removal Children under 4 weeks should be encouraged to go to the bathroom after each feeding. Use a hot cotton ball, wet, fabric or washbasin to gently rub the anal area of kittens to stimulate urination and defecation. Fully solid feces will usually not form while kittens are drinking formula. If you notice that kittens have trouble urinating or defecating, consult a veterinarian. Start training in bunk at 4 weeks. Kittens can start looking for a place to go as young as 21⁄2 weeks old. Use a small and shallow saucepan with an ungrouped litre. Do not use paper or fabric, while this is soft, you can teach bad habits! Show kittens the trash box and put on a used cotton ball, and this should do the trick. Health ConcernsUpper Respiratory Infection (URI) – Although this is common in kittens, it should not be ignored. If the heavy yellow discharge develops or the kitten has trouble breathing or eating, see a veterinarian immediately. A mild URI can be clarified by removing discharge with a warm, wet cloth and keeping kittens in a warm and humid environment. Fleas – The fleas in a very small kitten can cause anemia. Choose fleas with a fleas comb. For a bad infestation, you can bathe the kitten in warm water. You can also use a very small amount of soft and liquid soap like Dawn to bathe kittens. Avoid the eye area — use a washbasin around your face — and rinse them thoroughly. Make sure you dry them after a bath so they don't get cold. Do not use fleas shampoo or topic fleas treatments in kittens 6 weeks or younger. Parasites/Diarrea – Any drastic change in feces consistency can mean problems. Parasites can often cause diarrhea, strange stools and dehydration. Kittens can start a disposable treatment schedule as young as 10 days old; see a veterinarian for this. Please check this Share this article Join the Move Get the latest news of cats, information and ways to take action and save cat lives! Alley Cat Allies has protected and improved cat life for 30 years. Today more than 650,000 people are looking to lead Alley Cat Allies to save the lives of cats, develop communities that safeguard cats and help shelters adopt feline-friendly policies. Help us continue our cat work: Join our online community and become part of the movement to save cat lives! © 2021 Alley Cat Allies. All rights reserved. Alley Cat Allies is a 501(c)3 organization.

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